48 Hours | 6 November, 2014
P51 Embodied
South China Morning Post | 6 November, 2014
pC7 The planner, Pearl Lam Galleries
Post_ism | 6 November, 2014
A Caravaggio-esque still from Ho Tzu Nyen’s video work at @pearllamgalleries Gorgeous way to end my day #videoart #exhibition #hong kong
Post_ism | 6 November, 2014
Aussie artist Ben Quilty’s Rorschach portrait of his son @pearllamgalleries #hong kong #exhibition @benquilty #janus #double #portrait #paintings
Post_ism | 6 November, 2014
Beautifully haunting film by Singaporean artist Ho Tzu Nyen at @pearllamgalleries #videoart # chiaroscuro #exhibition #hong kong