2 July – 21 August, 2016
Storm Resurrection
JOHN YOUNG solo exhibition
Shanghai—Pearl Lam Galleries is pleased to present Storm Resurrection, a solo exhibition by Chinese Australian artist John Young (b. 1956), opening on 2 July, 2016. The exhibition will bring together three series of works: Storm Resurrection, Naïve and Sentimental Paintings, and Veil. Using his “human-computer friendship” method, Young melds contemporary technology with oil painting techniques in his signature works, drawing on an innate human sentiment in his selection of presented images to create art that engages with the anachronistic condition of painting in the age of photography.
Shaping the core of the exhibition will be works from Young’s new Storm Resurrection series, where the artist manipulates original paintings by Wang Ji Yuan, Guan Liang, Qiu Ti, and other members of the Storm Society, China’s first modern art association, to generate abstract compositions. He then uses oil paint to translate these faithfully onto linen. In this series, Young searches for a historical significance that has somehow escaped the cultural consciousness of artists in China, as he tries to rediscover the country’s source of Modernism.